Sepultura mit Details zum neuen Album

sepulturaEs wird bald ein neues Album von Sepultura geben und im Zuge dessen gibt es nun schon ein paar Details rund um diese Veröffentlichung.
Erscheinen wird sie im Oktober 2013, da gibt es noch keinen festen Termin, aber als Label wird wieder Nuclear Blast Records dabei sein.

Als Gastschlagzeuger wird Dave Lombardo, welcher zufällig in der Nähe des Studios spazieren ging, wie Andreas Kisser verkündet:

He came and it was so nice, so special, so awesome! He is one of the nicest guys in business and he enjoyed the idea a lot. Ross and Mike prepared two drum sets on the living room, facing each other, no cymbals, just tribal drums! When the mics were all ready and running Eloy and Dave started playing and the magic was on, so great! The part they recorded will be a special part on the middle of one of the songs, it came out crazy!

So, kommen wir nun zum Titel des Albums.
Dieser wird kurz und knapp The mediator between the head and hands must be the heart lauten und wurde von Fritz Langs Filmklassiker Metropolis aus dem Jahre 1927 inspiriert, wobei es sich diesmal nicht um ein Konzeptalbum handelt, wie es bei A-Lex und Dante XXI der Fall gewesen ist.

Wollt ihr noch ein Statment von Andreas Kisser zum Album?
Bitte schön:

“I was inspired by a phrase which is the main message of the story: „The mediator between the head and hands must be the heart“ to express what we are saying on the lyrics.
In the movie, a crazy millionaire wants to transform a robot into a real person. That’s kind of the opposite of what we live today. More than ever we are robotized, through the worldwide web, Google glasses, chips under our skins and the globalized slavery our society suffers nowadays. The phrase points to the heart as being the human factor who keeps a man, a man, not a robot. The heart beats with freedom of choice, we have to think by ourselves to create a real world, not a matrix.

Being a novel written in the early 1920’s, it’s almost prophetical. It helped us to put the ideas together for the lyrics to express what we see today. I live in São Paulo, Brasil, one of the big metropolis in the world with more than 20.000.000 people living and working in it. I know how it is to live in daily chaos, our music reflects a lot of that feeling.”

Adding about the musical direction of the new album and working with Ross Robinson again: “The album is brutal, fast and straight to the point, I feel this is the best SEPULTURA ever, no bullshit. To work with Ross Robinson again was a privilege, one of the best producers out there. He has a strong connection with nature, the human heart, with life in general. We did an album that is alive, no fake studio tricks, we were jamming together in the room exploding in an energy so strong you could grab it. The heart will never stop beating for mankind, we are no robots, we are pure natural energy and that’s worth fighting for. We’re not slaves, I have a pulsing heart!”

Nebenbei, Nuclear Blast, Andreas Kisser ist zwar verdammt lange bei Sepultura und auch ziemlich wichtig für die Band gewesen, doch war er kein Gründungsmitglied, wie ihr verkündet.
Einzig verbleibendes Gründungsmitglied ist Paulo Xisto Pinto Jr., und dafür muss ich nicht mal in die Wikipedia gucken.

Quelle: Nuclear Blast Records
